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Google Stacks: What Is Google Stacking, And Does It Help SEO?

Nov 16, 2021

Google Stacks: What Is Google Stacking, And Does It Help SEO?

Google stacking is one of the most powerful gray-hat seo techniques available, when done correctly. Since Google favors their own properties when categorizing and indexing websites in search results, it only makes sense to take full advantage of the free resources Google has available. To keep things simple, Google Stacks refer to private networks of different online entities, in this case Google properties, such as Docs, Sheets, Maps, Images, Videos, GMBs, Google Sites, and various other digital assets that are used to harness "link juice" and power up websites.

Many of the most powerful SEO practitioners utilize Google Stacks, and some believe it is the only real way to rank #1. Keep in mind that this tactic can be very risky if you are caught using unapproved practices. If your account gets banned, you will lose all of your hard-earned rankings. However, if done correctly, you have little to worry about when using Google stacks as a part of your overall seo strategy.

The YouTube platform is one of the best ways to get started with Google Stacks, because it has so many different components that can be used for stacking. Since YouTube is owned by Google, all of these different properties work together seamlessly on their platform. Once you have built up a strong stack on YouTube, you can use all of those same properties (minus Gmail) on any website or site you own or operate. But YouTube is just the beginning of Google stacking.

Google Stacks have been around for years, and they have seen a lot of success. However, Google recently updated their algorithm so that Google stacking isn't as simple as it used to be. This means that it is more important than ever to partner up with the best SEO experts if you want to have any chance at ranking high on Google.

How Do Google Stacks Work?

Ok, so it makes sense that Google favors their own properties, and that linking these properties together can significantly help your seo. But how do Google stacks actually work? Think about Google stacks like you would think of backlink tiers to your website. Just like you might write a blog post about your website, and then link to that blog post from various social media accounts...

Google stacking works the same way, only all the linking is being done inside of Google itself. You may link a YouTube video to your GMB, and link both of those to your Google website. Or, you might create a series of documents, spreadsheets, pdfs, images, maps, etc. using your Google account, and link those all together. By layering, or creating tiers of these links, you can magnify the link juice, or ranking power, that gets transferred from Google to your website.

Is Google Stacking Powerful Enough To Rank A Website On Its Own?

Although Google stacking is a powerful tool every SEO should have in their arsenal, it's usually not enough to rank a website for highly competitive keywords all on its own. As a general rule of thumb, Google stacking should be combined with other ranking techniques, and used as part of your larger seo strategy. To get the most out of Google stacking, it is always a good idea to get an expert seo consultation from a professional, who will perform an seo audit of your website. These seo audits are used to find your individual website's strengths and weaknesses, which will be used to build a custom seo strategy.

Whether you're looking for an expert seo consultant in Tamaqua, Pennsylvania, or anywhere else in the world, James Jernigan is the #1 SEO on earth when it comes to Google stacking. Having spent years as a freelance digital marketer, he has now dedicated his life to teaching small business owners how to grow their businesses using super-smart marketing tactics that only big companies could afford before. He specializes in helping small businesses generate more leads and sales using search engine optimization (SEO). Through his SEO consulting practice, he assists local entrepreneurs across America and Canada by building high quality backlinks through Google Stacks & other white hat link building strategies.

Gan Google Stacking Get My Website Penalized?

These days, it seems like just about anything can get your website penalized. Technically, if done incorrectly, Google stacks could get your website penalized; however, when done correctly, Google stacking is a powerful white hat tool for ranking on the first page of Google.

Google stacks are completely safe, and they will never get your website penalized if you stay within Googles terms of use while creating your various Google entities. there is nothing explicitly against using the various tools Google offers, and linking your creations together. The grey area occurs when people start to get carried away with Google stacking, and use the technique to spam. In other words, some people incorrectly use this technique to rank worthless content, and ultimately get penalized for it. In order to avoid getting penalties or manual actions against your site for Google stacking, make sure you use this technique ethically!

Who Uses Google Stacks?

Google stacks are used by many people, and even massive companies to increase Google rankings and drive website traffic. In fact, there are relatively few internet users anywhere in the world that don't use more than one Google product, so technically, pretty much everyone is using Google stacking to some extent. For example, if you own a GMB, and link to your other Google account from within the GMB dashboard. Then, those internal links may be counted as "inbound" links by Google analytics as well as the GMB dashboard. In this way, each of those properties can transfer link juice to one another. 

Now who uses Google stacks specifically with SEO in mind is another question. Plenty of SEOs use Google stacking to some extent, but very few have mastered it to the extent that James Jernigan SEO has. Despite being relatively new to the SEO industry, James Jernigan has exploded onto the first page of Google thanks to his unique method of Google stacking, which he explains in detail in his How 2 Rank course.

Is Google Stacking Expensive?

The best part about Google stacking is that it primarily relies on free Google products. Of course, there are some premium (paid) Google products that could be incorporated into your Google stack, however you can get plenty of ranking power just by using Google's free products. For example, the top Google ranking method according to James Jernigan is using nofollow links in your YouTube videos description. This trick alone can get you #1 rankings in competitive niches, especially if you use it in combination with other white hat methods like internal linking.

Google Stacking The Right Way

Now that we've established an overview of what Google stacks are let's dive into how to actually create one to help rank your website! First step to stacking your Google entities is actually create them. To do this, you will need to login to your Google account, and start creating content about your website in every app and platform Google has available. Make sure that each entity you create is completely optimized for your keywords, and that you've created no-follow links between the various properties. When optimizing the properties, be sure to use lots of keyword variations, and long-tail keywords, so Google knows exactly what the content you are creating is about.

One of the most powerful, and least known Google properties that you can use to stack with your other content is none other than Google Translate. When creating a website using international keywords, it is vital to rank for not only your primary keyword in English, but also each individual language you are targeting. Creating Google stacks in multiple languages is something even very few professional SEO agencies are doing.

The future of Google stacking

So, what does the future of Google stacking hold? Is it going to help your SEO efforts, or is this just a fad that will soon disappear? The truth is, as long as Google keeps creating (and buying) new properties, Google stacks are here to stay. This means that the future looks pretty bright for those who practice ethical white hat SEO, and know how to take advantage of the newest trends in the industry.

Learn more about Google Stacks: How 2 Rank Video Course

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