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Deindustrialization Automation: How Automation & A.I. Are Shaping The New Industrial Revolution

Nov 29, 2022

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Deindustrialization Automation: How Automation & A.I. Are Shaping The New Industrial Revolution

Automation has existed in factories and homes for many years now, but A.I. technology will soon be making our lives easier in ways we haven’t even thought of yet, as it becomes increasingly widespread. As the number of robots, A.I. systems, and automation-capable tools grows exponentially, business owners and consumers alike need to ask themselves some important questions about the future of the industrial revolution.

Deindustrialization Automation will change everything about the way we live and work in ways that we can barely imagine today, so there’s never been a better time to start thinking about it now!

Automation has played an important role in America’s economy ever since the nation was founded. The Industrial Revolution that led to America’s rise as a global superpower, after all, centered around large-scale mechanization and automation of traditional labor-intensive industries like manufacturing and agriculture, so much so that the term labor saving device became synonymous with industrialism.

What is deindustrialization?

-The process of transitioning from an industrial economy to a post-industrial service and information based economy is called deindustrialization. 

-This transition has occurred in many countries as the demand for manufactured goods decreased, while the need for service and information based jobs increased due to advancements in automation and artificial intelligence (AI). 

-As a result, the developed world lost up to 50% of its manufacturing jobs between 1960 and 2010. 

-In America alone, 200,000 manufacturing jobs were lost each year between 2000 and 2009; by 2030, this number is expected to rise to 400,000 per year.

What is Artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is the capability of a machine to perform tasks which would normally require human intelligence. It is also the branch of computer science that deals with creating intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. These programs can learn from experience and use that knowledge to achieve specific tasks, such as speech recognition, visual perception, decision-making and translation between languages.

Artificial intelligence has been the subject of science fiction for many years and has only recently become a practical technology used in our daily lives. We already interact with virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa on a daily basis, but developments in artificial intelligence will take this to a whole new level in the near future...

How are automation and A.I. shaping the new industrial revolution?

Automation is the process of doing tasks using machines or computers, while artificial intelligence refers to computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception and speech recognition. Artificial intelligence and automation have been shaping the new industrial revolution since they were first introduced in the late 20th century. Some of their earliest uses were in the manufacturing industry, where robots replaced humans on assembly lines and reduced production time by 50%. More recently, automation has been used in warehouses for moving goods around and picking them off shelves without any human intervention—a job once performed by many humans working long hours with heavy lifting.

What are the implications of deindustrialization automation?

The implications of deindustrialization automation are vast and far-reaching. With more and more jobs being taken over by machines, the need for human labor is shrinking to just a few industries. That's not to say that all industries will be overtaken by automation, but rather that some industries will see a dramatic increase in automation while others see no change at all. 

Some countries have already begun shifting away from industrial economies to service economies as the need for humans diminishes with the introduction of new technologies like robotics and artificial intelligence in the workforce. This shift has led to economic volatility as countries struggle with how to meet demand for consumer products such as food and clothing when their population lacks the necessary skillsets for high-demand manufacturing jobs.

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How automation and A.I. are changing the landscape?

In the past, factory jobs were a staple of the American economy, but in recent years automation has taken over many tasks and eliminated entire industries. This trend will only continue as advances in artificial intelligence technology make it possible for computers to perform more complex tasks. 

In order to understand how this will affect our society and workforce, we must first understand what types of jobs are at risk of automation or being replaced by AI software and bots. Surprisingly, many occupations that have been deemed safe are also at risk of being taken over by machines in the near future. 

The most common occupation is trucking which has seen a large reduction in human drivers due to self-driving vehicles.

What does the future hold?

There is no question that the future of the manufacturing industry will be dramatically shaped by automation, artificial intelligence, and other technological advancements. In the coming years, we can expect to see an increased use of robots in factories across the world and a shift in manufacturing jobs from manual labor to design, engineering, and data analysis. This will help companies create better products faster than ever before and at a lower cost with less risk for human error. What does this mean for the future? It is difficult to say for sure but there are many projections on how this could change our economy and world as a whole; some predict that automation may cause unemployment rates to drop below 1% while others believe it will widen economic inequality gaps. And what about us?

What is the new industrial revolution?

We are in the midst of a new revolution in the global economy, where automation and artificial intelligence will reshape the way we work. It is an economic paradigm shift that some have called deindustrialisation or the fourth industrial revolution with profound implications for all aspects of society, including our jobs and what it means to be human.

The new industrial revolution is the transition from a manufacturing-based economy to a service-based one. This means that automation and artificial intelligence are both shaping the new industrial revolution in various ways. For example, jobs like transporting goods and making food are being replaced by machines, which makes it easier for humans to focus on tasks that require more skill or creativity such as designing products or building roads. This shift has caused many people to worry about the future of their jobs and for some it's made it impossible to find work at all, but this doesn't have to be the case if we embrace technology and work together to create opportunity for everyone.

The industrial revolution shaped the 21th century and made our modern world possible by connecting millions of people to manufacturing and creating economies of scale in production, resulting in cheaper goods and services. But now, with advancements in automation technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine learning, we are in the midst of another industrial revolution that will fundamentally change how businesses operate, how people work, and how physical goods are created and transported.