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Best Skool Community For Learning To Make Money With AI 🤖💸 [AI Affiliate Marketing For Beginners]

May 04, 2024

The Fastest Growing Skool Community About Making Money With AI


Some people are worried AI is going to take their job. Other people are actually excited about it - because they figured out AI can earn them a significant amount of money on social media. Whether you only use a little bit of AI content, or deploy your very own AI influencer, artificial intelligence has transformed the world of affilaite marketing on social media, and it's all currently being exposed in the Make Money With AI Community on Skool.

How does making money with AI on Skool work?

Making money with AI on Skool is the most popular community for complete beginners to get up to speed, and start earning their very first commissions. Popular among both small business owners and regular people just lookng for a side hustle, the Make Money With AI Skool community teaches students exactly what skills they need, and provides them with the tools they need to succeed. A series of step-by-step videos walk students through setting up their very own affilaite marketing funnel, click-by-click using AI tools like ChatGPT. Then, the course teaches you how to fill your funnel with traffic using AI generated content. Finally, a series of AI generated emails will follow up with your leads until a sales is made, virtually multiplying your chances of success.

What Is Skool?

Skool is a online education platform launched by Sam Ovens and Alex Hormozi that allows creators to easily monetize their audiences by setting up public or private communities. The platform allows both free and paid communities to be setup with just a few clicks. Students on the Skool platform are able to join free communities for free, and if they join paid communities, 100% of thier payment goes to the creator; Skool doesn't even take a cut!

So, does it cost money to join Skool? It only costs money to join Skool as a course creator, and the fee is only a flat $97 per month.